Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mari belajar menaip dengan laju. Zasssssssss

Sebagai student di zaman ICT sekarang ni, kita kena banyak buat kerja menggunakan komputer. Semua benda nak kena buat guna komputer. Nasib baik komputer tak boleh masak, kalau tak...eurrmm...

Contohnya, aku lah. Nak jadi cikgu sekarang ni pon kena hustler bab-bab komputer. Bukan takat buat dokumen guna Microsoft Word @ melukis dengan Paint je, perisian-perisian lain pon kena terer jugak. Sebab ICT adalah salah satu sumber terbaik untuk dijadikan Bahan Bantu Mengajar dsb.

Bila dapat assignment; report, action research or what-so-ever yang memerlukan kita untuk buat laporan setebal buku teks Add Math form 5, memang nayalah. Bukan naya nak cari idea celah mana, tapi naya sebab tak boleh nak taip report laju-laju. Nak taip perkataan "children" pon dah makan masa seminit mencari huruf-hurufnya dekat keyboard. Tambah-tambah lagi bila kita ni jenis menaip guna dua-dua jari telunjuk je. ZzzzZzz...

Jadi tuan-tuan dan puan-puan kenalah belajar cara nak taip dengan laju. Benda ni memang makan masa. Tapi bila dah biasa, memang menyenangkan kita. Koordinasi mata, otak dengan jari memang penting masa menaip. So, aku nk kongsilah sikit tips menaip dengan laju dengan korang.

For those who wants to improve their typing speed, here are some tips:-

1. Learn the correct position of fingers in the keyboard

You can improve a lot if you stop using the "one finger method". We have five fingers in each hand, and they can be used to improve the speed of your typing. Several web sites have charts with the correct position for each hand, just use them and practice even a little each day.

Left hand
Little finger - a
Ring finger - s
Middle finger - d
Index finger - f
Thumb - the space bar

Right hand
Little finger - j
Ring finger - k
Middle finger - l
Index finger - ;
Thumb - the space bar

2. Learn to type without looking at the keyboard

This is first step to mastering the art of typing. You can start doing this after you learn the proper position of the fingers. Using this technique you will be able to concentrate on the result on the screen, and not in where your fingers are going. This can provide a great increase in you speed.

3. Avoid correcting mistakes immediately

One of the things that decrease your speed is the urge to fix typing problems as they happen. If you get used to continue typing even if you see some mistakes you will learn faster, because you will be in continuous practice. This will also decrease your error rate, because now you will be focused on doing it right, not on fixing your typos.

4. Try to type faster for small periods of time

A good exercise is to try to type at maximum speed during short periods of time, even if you have a few mistakes. The goal is to increase your response time, so that you can continue typing faster even after the exercise.
When you type faster, your hands start to adapt to that speed level with time. You will make a lot of mistakes at the beginning, because you are not trained to type at high speed. However, consider this just training for your hands. When you return to normal speeds, you will see that you have improved your accuracy and speed.

Bagi aku pulak, aku tak de lah boleh menaip selaju hacker. Tapi, bolehlah taip tanpa tengok keyboard. Sebab aku dah biasakan diri menaip sejak sekolah menengah lagi. Dulu pon terkial-kial jugak, abang aku yang ajar cara taip yang betul and sampai sekarang aku praktikkan. Once kau dah biasa, sampai bila-bila pon insyaallah takde hal punya.

Selain tu, aku suka main game yang memerlukan penggunaan jari-jemari & kena tekan keyboard berdas-das macam O2Jam, Guitar Hero & yang sewaktu dengannya. Membantu kot.  ada sediakan macam-macam jenis typing game.

Facebook pon ada banyak game yang boleh tingkat typing speed. Macam Typing Maniac ke.

Hohoho layan seh...

Ok semua. Selamat mencoba. BTW, tolonglah jangan tekan butang keyboard kuat sangat masa menaip. Bukan saja bising, rosakkan keyboard je.

1 comment:

CouLeur de Chiqu3 said...

what a good tips...! thnks..

and welcome to my blog


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